Friday, September 1, 2017

Your Job Search Sucks

Let me explain the typical job search.


This is the single worst method of looking for work that I can think of. It is far too random, competitive and limited. It takes more luck than skill and the job seeker usually winds up frustrated and settles for the first offer that comes along. This may have been the way to find work in the 80’s but this is no longer your mama’s job market. Employers operate under a whole new set of rules and they are not looking for a “plain vanilla” applicant. They are looking for a fresh new flavor.

Candidates answer generic help wanted ads placed on a multitude of job boards, joining a crowd of other potential job seekers looking at the same ad, becoming just another brick in the wall. Then they wonder why they are still looking for work.

Today’s job search is a much more targeted approach.

An applicant must investigate the company there are looking to work for, along with their hiring process. Becoming friendly with someone within the organization can help with having a “go to” person to contact with any questions and follow-up. I personally like to use the CEO as this go to. I will conduct my due diligence and send my resume directly to the CEO or other higher-up executive. They normally find my resume and send it to HR. Psychologically the HR person that receives it will give it a bit more attention and possible preference simply because it came from the CEO.

You DO NOT want to be doing another job search in six months, so use your head when searching for a job. Consider this an opportunity to find a job that will be around AND wants YOU around long term. The prep work you do when selecting your target employers will help you avoid the ones that will disappear and disappoint.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Cleaning Up Your Social Media Profiles In Preparation For Your Job Search

Late night drunken rants, promiscuous photos, extreme political and religious beliefs, your questionable social behavior - ALL of it is readily available to any prospective employer using a simple search.

If you think this is just urban legend...WAKE UP! What better way to see what type of dirt bag you are or are not. Employers will judge you based on your social media presence, so stop being a dick or at least take some steps to improve your social media legacy and ensure those vacation pictures from your recent trip to Colorado don't come back to haunt you.

Social media can be your best friend during a job search and it can also be your kiss of death. It has been reported that 1 out of 3 people seeking employment have been rejected from receiving an interview based on their social media profiles. 

FACT: 46% of employers admit to checking out candidates on social media and 92% of job seekers have a social media presence. 
Employers use social media searches on candidates to their employment opportunities to determine a fit within their organization based on professionalism, cultural beliefs and to learn more of a persons qualifications. The first thing you want to do to protect your privacy is to protect your privacy. Having your accounts open to the public might make you the coolest kid on the cyberblock but your life becomes an open book to anyone that wants a peek. Set your privacy settings accordingly. You might also want to go through your account and clean up some of the more questionable status updates and photo's of your recreational activities. 

You want to Google yourself. What will someone find if they were to run your name through a search? It is amazing what is out there and available. Everything from social media activity to law enforcement records. 

You social media profile should place you in the spotlight of professionalism, with positive posts that
make the reader want to know more about you, beyond the information contained within a resume. 
What image of yourself do you want to impress an employer with?

Make your online presence work for you by refining publicly viewed areas of your profile and keep anything questionable private. 

Every social network takes some upkeep, and you’re allowed to have favorites as long as you check in once in a while to make sure everything is running smoothly. Have you ever had a Xanga, Live Journal, Myspace or similar account once upon a time? It’s time to look them up and properly deactivate. If the platforms are still up and running, then old pages and accounts may be available for viewing.  If there are social networks you haven’t updated in weeks or months, consider deleting them and focusing you efforts on the ones that work.

Now if you find this all to be mind numbing and time consuming, which it WILL be - after all YOU were the dick on Facebook, not me - there are a number of tools available that will automate this entire process. 

For $100 a year, you can pay for a widget to screen your social media accounts for embarrassing posts that could damage your chances of getting a job or getting into college. Startup company BrandYourself provides online reputation management software that allows you to “minimize negative search results and build a positive web presence.”

One feature in particular scans past social media posts to flag content involving drug use, alcohol, sex or negative rhetoric about a former employer. (The scans don’t include photographs, which can often be more incriminating and easier to access.)

Most social media cleaning understandably applies to Facebook. It’s the most used, abused and most well-known social media network out there, and as a result, it gets the most attention from employers. 

However, you should also take a moment to ensure that your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and accurate in relation to your resume. If you are presenting different information between the two resources, that will raise a red flag for employers. Synchronize the information, but also work to make LinkedIn a place for employers to learn more about your work history, not just a profile parroting what your resume has already presented. 

Your prospective employers will appreciate the extra insight, and will have a positive opinion of your social media personality as a result.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Your Job Search Toolbox

“A strong resume is like a lion: it shreds competition, gives off a mighty roar, and never has a bad hair day.”
“Reign as king of the job-market jungle with your Professional Job Search Package.”

I am a Recruiter, not just a Freelance Writer
I’m not writing your resume because I have mad grammar skills and have over eleven years’ experience as a Freelancer (although it is a great bonus), I’m doing it because I know exactly what employers are looking for and I want to share this with you. I am a recruiter myself so we know all the tricks of the trade and have answers to all of your questions. I will talk to you about your career goals and how to get you there.

Talk to real, people
Unlike other resume writing companies where you answer an endless amount of questions, I am always just a phone call away. You get to talk 1-on-1 with me, your resume writer. I work hard to make sure to create a resume that gets you results.

Pioneer in Resume Distribution
My service to you doesn't end at just writing your resume; I will also distribute them for you in your desired field and location! Some people don't know where to start applying or apply to jobs that aren't in their area of expertise. I figure out what your end goal is and distribute your resume accordingly. I will jumpstart your job search with tools we've built to get your resume in the hands of the right people.

How It Works

Talk 1-on-1 with your expert advertising resume writer 

Submit your current resume or career information via email to  As your writer, I will call you at a time that’s convenient for you to personally introduce myself and answer any questions you might have We will discuss your career goals and past accomplishments until I know exactly what you need in your new resume. At this time you will also receive an invoice via PayPal for $99. Prompt payment is appreciated to avoid delays in your job search. Split payments can be arranged if necessary.

Receive and review your new resume
Within 48 hours of payment received, you will receive your fresh, new look resume. Take some time to review it and make sure that every detail is exactly how you want it. If there’s anything you’d like to change, let me know and it will be edited until it’s perfect! I want you to be 100%, completely satisfied.

Finalize any changes with your resume writer
Once your resume has been written and edited to your satisfaction, I will finalize by storing your documents, making them available to you for up to two years in our secure online storage facility in both Microsoft Word and PDF formats.

Your LinkedIn profile
Recruiters say improving your LinkedIn Profile attracts more positive attention from employers. But most people don't really know the best way to do this. Like designing a resume that gets attention, creating an eye-catching LinkedIn profile is an art form. Since recruiters frequently look for new talent on social media, it is vital to put your best foot forward. 

My distribution service will find you employment opportunities in your desired occupation and location parameters. Both your resume and LinkedIn profile will be sent to advertised and unadvertised jobs available. This is the heart of your Job Search Toolbox and boasts a guarantee of finding a job within 30 days or your money back!

Why Choose Job Search Toolbox?

I make great resumes

Bells and whistles, wear off but greatness never does. I create resumes that get results.

I am CRAZY about Great Service
I work hard to make sure that I live up to that reputation everyday

Other companies try to bombard you with a menu of options that you really don’t need I have developed one single product that gets to the point of what you need and what really works.

I know Hiring
I don’t just talk to you about the nouns, verbs and adjectives of your resume. I talk to you about your career goals and how to get you there

A Job Search Plan
I do more than just write your resume, I jumpstart your job search with tools that I have developed to get your resume in the hands of hiring managers

My Guarantee's  to You

30 Day Employment Guarantee*
That's right! I guarantee that you will receive job offers within the first 30 days of distributing your new resume and LinkedIn profile! That's why I have such a high success rate, because I truly believe your Job Search Toolbox will help you.

What makes us different? and how can we offer such a guarantee? That's easy! Because my system was developed by someone, that understands hiring and what HR professionals are looking for

So what happens if you still don't get a job with your new resume? You get to work me, one-on-one to help figure out why you aren't getting job offers. Together we will look at the jobs you are applying for and then adjust our job search plan for you to help you start getting job offers. We understand job searching is probably one of the most vulnerable times in your life - that's why we work with you to help you get the expertise you need. If you prefer a refund, we can certainly do that as well.

48 Hour Turnaround
Unlike other resume writing companies, you will receive your first draft of your resume, within 48 hours after you've either submitted your questionnaire or had your telephone interview with your resume writer and submitted payment. We strive to offer the quickest turnaround time in the industry. Once you've received your first draft, take some time to review it and make sure that every detail is exactly how you want it. If there’s anything you’d like to change, let me know and it will be edited!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
I strive to provide my clients with the best service. If for any reason you are unhappy with the service I provide. I will refund your money. No questions asked.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Do You Need a Job?

When people tell me that they need a job, I tell them it is an income that they seek, not really a job. 

A job is just one way of many to create an income.  These are the same people who fell victim to a system that consists of going to a school that, instead of teaching “how” to learn, students are instead taught “what” to learn. Perhaps doing a stint in the military where, once again, recruits are told what to do and what to think. Good ole’ God and country values. Then we get married, have 2.3 kids and work for someone else until death or retirement gives you the opportunity to look back at your life with regret wondering what the fuck went wrong.

My mission is to get these people to think outside the box society has placed them in. You don’t need to have the traditional job to create an income for yourself and the sooner that you realize what society has told you is a big fat lie, the better off you will be. The days of one worker supporting a family are long gone. In the 21st century workplace, it generally takes two breadwinners working full time to make ends meet and even this might not be enough.

My grandparents came to America in the mid 1920’s, entering through Ellis Island with scores of other immigrants seeking the American Dream. They faced many challenges and each brought with them a set of skills and not much else, which they used to build their legacy. They were tradesmen and hard workers. They learned the language of their new homeland and adapted to the American way of life. My grandfather was a brilliant tailor, hand sewing suits for celebrities and politicians of the era. A skill set that he brought with him from “the old country” (Italy) as he called it.

What the immigrants all had in common was that they never looked to anyone to determine the hourly value of their work efforts. They never dreamed of being an employee, working for someone other than themselves. They all had the hearts of an Entrepreneur. They made their own money and way in life. They bartered their goods and services for other immigrants’ goods and services. There were carpenters, bakers, shoe makers and tailors like my granddad. Tradesmen. For most, there was no possibility of failure. They had no exit plan. It was do or die. 

And this is our starting point. There are countless ways to earn a substantial income without having a job, but we need to crawl before we can walk, so the first step we must take is developing a proper mindset. You need to quit thinking like a worker bee and start think like a wolf.