Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Do You Need a Job?

When people tell me that they need a job, I tell them it is an income that they seek, not really a job. 

A job is just one way of many to create an income.  These are the same people who fell victim to a system that consists of going to a school that, instead of teaching “how” to learn, students are instead taught “what” to learn. Perhaps doing a stint in the military where, once again, recruits are told what to do and what to think. Good ole’ God and country values. Then we get married, have 2.3 kids and work for someone else until death or retirement gives you the opportunity to look back at your life with regret wondering what the fuck went wrong.

My mission is to get these people to think outside the box society has placed them in. You don’t need to have the traditional job to create an income for yourself and the sooner that you realize what society has told you is a big fat lie, the better off you will be. The days of one worker supporting a family are long gone. In the 21st century workplace, it generally takes two breadwinners working full time to make ends meet and even this might not be enough.

My grandparents came to America in the mid 1920’s, entering through Ellis Island with scores of other immigrants seeking the American Dream. They faced many challenges and each brought with them a set of skills and not much else, which they used to build their legacy. They were tradesmen and hard workers. They learned the language of their new homeland and adapted to the American way of life. My grandfather was a brilliant tailor, hand sewing suits for celebrities and politicians of the era. A skill set that he brought with him from “the old country” (Italy) as he called it.

What the immigrants all had in common was that they never looked to anyone to determine the hourly value of their work efforts. They never dreamed of being an employee, working for someone other than themselves. They all had the hearts of an Entrepreneur. They made their own money and way in life. They bartered their goods and services for other immigrants’ goods and services. There were carpenters, bakers, shoe makers and tailors like my granddad. Tradesmen. For most, there was no possibility of failure. They had no exit plan. It was do or die. 

And this is our starting point. There are countless ways to earn a substantial income without having a job, but we need to crawl before we can walk, so the first step we must take is developing a proper mindset. You need to quit thinking like a worker bee and start think like a wolf.

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