Thursday, February 4, 2016

Video Resumes

A video resume is essential in a job seeker’s toolbox. They allow you to stand out among other candidates and directly to the employer.

Video resumes are a way for candidates to go beyond traditional methods of applying, such as submitting only a resume, cover letter, and work samples. Lasting typically 60 seconds, these videos are your shot to make the best first impression to an employer. A video resume lets the employer literally see you and hear your case (via your communication skills, personality and charisma) as the best candidate for the job - all before the interview takes place.

Video resumes are an enhancement, not a replacement, to the traditional resume. As such, they offer the chance to expand and show the skills you have to offer, not just to recite what’s already on your resume. In fact, your 60 second video resume can give you a better chance to get noticed by employers, as paper resumes are only looked by recruiters for up to six seconds before a decision is made.

Whether you want to talk about how exactly you trimmed your department’s budget by 50 percent or show off the apps you programmed in your spare time, video resumes reinforce letting you speak for yourself, rather than just a piece of paper. It helps you to cut to the chase and directly addresses why you should be considered.

Video Resume Tips

Don’t Recite Your Resume
Employers already have a copy of your resume, so it’s not the ideal use of your 60 seconds to recite what they already know. Use your video to show and tell what employers can’t discover from your resume alone. For example, use an accomplishment found on your resume and elaborate how you achieved it or what skills you learned from getting your degree. Be sure to include aspects you like in a job, or a workplace. Employers want to know your strengths, weaknesses, and even likes and dislikes. Be honest - making sure you align with their culture should be just as important to you as it is to an employer.

Have A Script
You’ve mapped out in your mind what you want to communicate, so now it’s time to transfer those thought into an organized format: a script. This script doesn’t have to be completely written out, it can simply be an outline of your main points. That way, when you’re actually ready to record, you’ll know what to say and the delivery will be natural and smooth.

Practice Makes Perfect
Now that you have your script, you’re ready to practice until you’re ready to send off your best video resume. The advantage here (because it isn’t live video) is that you can record until you’ve perfected your delivery and are comfortable letting employers view it. As an added benefit, share your versions to family or friends for critique, as they may be able to catch certain technical aspects or qualities of your delivery you might not think are distracting or off putting.

So TALK TO ME! Give me a call at 1.800.722.6021 and discover how VIDEO can boost your resume views and will become a vital tool in your job search strategy.

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