Wednesday, January 27, 2016

See How Difficult This Is?

People think that what I do is so easy that anyone can do it.


It takes laser focus and incredible discipline to do what I do consistently and on a daily basis. There are duties that must be performed without fail to optimize success and it is extremely difficult to accomplish. Distractions get in the way...LIFE gets in the way. So how does one keep on keeping on?

I think the answer would be different for each of us, but the important thing to remember is NEVER EEEEEEEEVVVER give up. Failure cannot and will not be an option. Period! So how do you stay motivated when you - especially at the beginning - do things daily and not see immediate results?

Here are some tips that I use:

Schedule AND WRITE DOWN what must be done. My schedule includes walking Molly in the morning followed by a trip to the grocery store. This revolves around my "writers' duties of advertising, marketing, blog posts, social media (business and personal) and the actual writing part. The physical act of writing it, be it with pen to pad or keyboard and mouse, does something physiological that frees up space on the biological hard drive called the brain. Also, going back and reading what you have written several times during the day keeps the thoughts fresh in your mind. I dont know exactly why this works, I just know that it does.

One of my issues is that I need to commingle my duties to my personal life and my business life and at times the personal just takes control. This causes the guilt to set in so I have to struggle to accept and embrace the days events and tell myself that the work WILL get done and not to feel overwhelmed. So I guess my second tip would be to STOP FEELING GUILTY. Easier said than done I know, but I've always been hard on myself.

Blogging certainly helps. This post alone is putting things in the proper perspective in my head.

I think I need to get a white board and write down my daily duties. To ensure things get done. To hold myself accountable and to give those around me an idea of what I need to accomplish on any given day. I have a tendency to bottle stuff like that up and find myself getting angered when I cant focus.

I need to take time for learning and continued education. I need to communicate these things better to my family because what I do is just as important to them as it is to me.

So tomorrow we will get back into this process we started last week. We will continue to provide a service and education to the job seeker. We will help get people back to work again.

And we will embrace life for the magical mystical journey that it is, complete with all its wonderful distractions and OWN that shit.

Until tomorrow...

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