Saturday, January 23, 2016

What Is Your Biggest Job Search Obstacle?

Over the years, I have heard many excuses for people not getting the success they want or believe they deserve from an opportunity. I have been known to use a few myself here and there.

"The opportunity wasn't really there." 

"The timing wasn't right."

"I just didn't fit with those people."

"I'm just not that lucky."

One B.S. excuse after another, heck I have even been creative in my excuses, but there comes a time when this behavior of self sabotage gets old. But what happens is that you have developed some bad habits that need to be broken AND FAST!

Here are some tips to guide you along the way.

1. Be disciplined. If you truly want to win the big game, you can't be sloppy.  You are competing against people who train and learn and practice. You need to be in control of your own destiny and that means being in control of your daily activity. Have your priorities figured out. If you don't know them, you'll be prone to distraction. If they're wrong, you'll get off track. Be able to focus the right amount of thought, energy, and activity on the actions that will get you close to your goal. Learn to focus and dismiss distraction when it's time to get to work.

And most importantly, learn how to rest. No one can work all the time without being exhausted. You need time to recharge if you are going to play at your best. Burn out is a poor excuse for failure.

2.  Be confident. I have battled my own share of insecurities. When you are blazing new trails, it's hard to be 100 percent assured, but you have the control. I was whining to a friend when I was younger that I decide to be confident." I did and have not looked back since. Confidence comes from preparation and a decisive state of mind.  When I am speaking and presenting, I feel most confident when I have done my research and have practiced my speech at least a dozen times in front of people. Give yourself what you know you need. Whether it is practice, prep time, food, sleep, or funds take away the material excuses so you can move forward without concern.
wished I were more confident.  He looked at me and said: "Kevin why don't you just

3. Be bold. Many people just stare on the sidelines waiting for an opportunity to drag them into success. Being timid brings very little value when chasing your dreams. You need to take action and jump two feet in. Be bold.

However, this does not mean be careless. You have to do your homework and analysis.  The most successful people have shown their boldness by waiting while everyone rushes an opportunity too early.  Study, prepare and assess, but know when it is time to stop analyzing, theorizing, practicing. Then make the decision to jump in or launch and just do it and do it big.

4. Be gracious. Graciousness is not just about being nice. It's also about being humble. True success and best served among friends and teammates who share in the glory and accomplishment.  Start getting out of your own way by admitting when you're lost, behind, or overwhelmed. Accept the greatest achievements come from the combined work and thought of many. Invite smart, energetic people into your journey and share the wealth and the credit along the way. Revel in their growth happiness and success, and they will celebrate yours.

As we head into the semi finals of the NFL playoffs take the time to review the foundation of your job search strategy and check out the packages available that provide valuable tools and can increase your chances of finding your ideal job. CLICK HERE!
Until tomorrow!

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