Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Your Finances and You

We shouldn't go off half cocked in life. (I'm guilty of this too) We should have a plan with a destination in mind. Such as (using myself as an example) I want a house in the country on 20+ acres of land where I can live out the rest of my life with my loving wife and family.

Now, without a long lesson in goal setting, (that's tomorrow) I have a destination. Like a passenger jet flying the friendly skies, I need to follow my flight plan.

Cool right?

Now we take a look at what we must do to make it happen. To do this, we need to figure out where we are now. If you call me up and ask me how to get to my house, the first question I'm going to ask you is WHERE ARE YOU (and if there's a liquor store nearby)

What are my current finances? What are the resources available? What steps do I need to take to get there?

Now I know what you're thinking. What does this have to do with finding a job? The answer is: EVERYTHING! The picture this data creates will show you what type of job you need. (Part time/Full time/Contract work/Entrepreneurship) Most people get this part wrong. They do things completely opposite. Most people get a menial job first - maybe the first one that comes along - and they let the job dictate their position in life. Sound familiar?

For me, I need to live the laptop lifestyle of an Entrepreneur. For many different personal reasons. So this is where I focus
my job search. I look for writing gigs. I look for sales and marketing opportunities. I don't look for jobs as a Walmart greeter or anything that requires me to ask if you would like fries with your order because these types of job will not get me closer to my acreage. Make sense? Good. Let's continue.

Now let's figure out how much money we need to earn. Obviously, a minimum wage position, or even a slightly higher pay rate just will not work for me. I need SERIOUS income. So how much do I need to make? This answer will vary from person to person of course, but for the sake of this article, let's just say I need to bring home $1,000 per week. Using a process of elimination, I can narrow my search down to specific jobs to focus my search on.

So just change your mindset. Getting stuck in a job that sucks the life out of you and pays just enough to get by is why most of the working class population DESPISE their job and HATE getting up in the morning. Ask yourself what's important to you? Is your job meeting this need or are you falling short? The choice is yours.

Our next step will be goal setting and that will be happening tomorrow. This step, done properly, will make your dreams come to life, so today...RIGHT NOW give some thought about your dream job. What do you need to do to put it all together? You can always bounce your ideas off of me. Visit my website and get in contact with me. We can do this together.

Resume Companion 

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